Updates and News
[Introduction] [Recent Updates]
July 12, 2000 - Heh heh heh. Want to know
when "Hikari no Tabi" is updated? Go to near the bottom of the
introduction page and join the mailing list!
July 11, 2000 - Chapter Fifteen
is finally up, and is pretty much longer than the rest of the chapters. And I
added in a theme song as well, called "The Flame" by Cheap Trick. (I
was bored while waiting for my beta-readers; what do you expect?)
July 4, 2000 - Happy Independence Day
everybody! I have several things to celebrate besides the independence of our
"lovely" country. One, yesterday the counter hit 1000! Yahoo! Two,
thanks to much constructive criticism from Project
Declan and Dragoness
Electic, the revised and edited chapters 1-14 are finally up. Three, Without
Our Commander has been relocated on the main page, right between the "Black
Box" and the DBZ and Fanfiction Explanations,
which has been updated as well, taking off the Tatahitori no Saisho Kesen
summary. Four, Chapter Fifteen is already near completion! This time it won't be
posted until I feel it's perfect, I assure you.
June 29, 2000 - Sorry to get your hopes up (^_^()) but thanks to
my cousin, I found something that everyone should look into, Stop
the Hate. The button is on the main page and the links section, and it will
be on any other section that I feel it needs to be on. ~_^
June 28, 2000 - Chapter Fourteen is up for
your reading pleasure. I'm headed for Las Vegas Friday, so Chapter Fifteen won't
come (probably not even start) until I get back.
June 22, 2000 - The side story, Without
Our Commander is up. You might have noticed some changes to the links
section, too. Chapter Fourteen is near completion, so expect that later on this
week or next week.
June 15, 2000 - I've added in a poll: Who is your favorite character from the
story? Thanks to certain cousins --you know who you are-- I've put up a guest
book. And out of sheer boredom a new idea for the next segment came to me.
"The End" is the real ending to Hikari no Tabi. Promise.
June 13, 2000 - Okay, now there's a counter at the
bottom of the front page. What to expect next update? Chapter Fourteen and the
first side story! Stay tuned!
June 7, 2000 - Some reorganizing has started, since I got myself Microsoft
FrontPage 2000! But most importantly of this update: Chapter Thirteen is up!
May 31, 2000 - Chapter Twelve is up!
May 27, 2000 - Updates are coming slower and slower now. Kind of sucks. But never fear, Chapter Eleven is here! At the top of the updates page is the slogan for An Amity Revived, signaling that all updates will be for this story. The future slogans are coming soon! And Chapter Twelve has commenced!
May 6, 2000 - FINALLY! Chapter Ten is up and posted!
April 26, 2000 - More HTML is learned! Try moving your cursor over a few links... also, JavaScript, but I'm not sure it works yet...
April 22, 2000 - The first round of revisions are completed. There will be another round later on, probably when I finish AAR. And speaking of which, Chapter Nine is completed and posted. I just recently finished the title image for "The Sapphire Sphere." It's... different from the others.
April 16, 2000 - Good news: Chapter Eight is up!
April 15, 2000 - When you move your mouse over the titles of each story, there will be a summary of the story. Two "new" stories are placed, completing your sneak preview of upcoming events. And there is a picture for "Reunion" now too! And most importantly, Chapter Seven is up!
April 11, 2000 - Chapter Six is completed. It's a little shorter than all the rest, but there's really no difference. Revisions are still taking place.
April 9, 2000 - Reorganizing has started, and the site looks a little better. Tomorrow I am going to review and revise the first five chapters --fix grammar and spelling errors, rewrite vague sentences, etc.-- and hopefully have the edited versions up by Tuesday! This will be a regular routine for every two to five chapters I write.
April 8, 2000 - I had a lot of free time on my hands today. Maybe it's because I stayed up all night last night and just had the urge to write! ^_^ Anyway, Chapter Four and Chapter Five of An Amity Revived is up!
April 7, 2000 - Added a few spice-ups to the page, like, ya know, IMAGES! Chapter Four is near completion!
April 6, 2000 - Chapter Three for An Amity Revived is completed and posted.
April 3, 2000 - Chapter Two for An Amity Revived is posted.
April 1, 2000 - Site created and Chapter One for An Amity Revived is up!